Welcome to ComedySportz
What is ComedySportz®
Arguably, the most famous short-form comedy show in the world. A ComedySportz match is comedy played as a sport where two teams of improvisational performers compete in various improv games and performing scenes, with audience members judging the results and awarding points. In every match, a ComedySportz referee monitors the action and administers fouls as necessary. This International comedy show-down is a high-energy hilarious experience, and appropriate for all audiences – all ages, all welcome, all the time.
What is improv comedy?
Video Credit: Jason Geis of CSz Chicago
Unlike "Standup Comedy" in which one performer tells pre-planned jokes to the audience, improvisational comedy involves a whole group of performers making up scenes and playing games on the spot based on audience suggestions.
What's a ComedySportz Match like?
A ComedySportz® Match features two teams of Players competing for laughs and points, with a Referee keeping things moving and calling fouls. An average of seven to twelve games are played during a match, drawn from a repertoire of over a hundred improv games. In "Shakespeare" a team will improvise a scene inspired by an audience suggestion in Shakespearian style. In "Forward/Reverse" the Referee sends the scene back and forth at will, as though scanning a scene in a DVD, sending the Players into a frenzy. Every show is different, with different Players, different games, and different audiences supplying new suggestions. The fans judge the scenes and games and ultimately decide the winners and losers. ComedySportz® also asks “willing volunteers” to join us for a game or two each match, and we make them look great!
Who should I bring to ComedySportz?
Unlike most other forms of performance comedy, ComedySportz® is great for all ages. The audience of a typical ComedySportz® Match contains everyone from kids and college students to parents and grandparents. Everyone has a good time and no one gets offended. If you think "clean" is boring, you owe it to yourself to check us out. It's anything but boring. ComedySportz® even works for tough-to-please business groups.
Other Cities/Metroplexes Around The Globe Where ComedySportz is Performed:
Manchester (UK)
Milwaukee, WI
New York City, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Portland, OR
Provo, UT
Richmond, VA
San Antonio, TX
San Jose, CA
Seattle, WA
St. Louis, MO
Twin Cities, MN